The EUCAIM consortium and the European Commission have announced the release of Cancer Image Europe, a platform to fuel collaborative innovation and data sharing across Europe. This constitutes a major milestone in EUCAIM's development and an exciting step towards achieving the project's vision and goals.

The platform aims to accelerate the pace of AI development and other data-intensive cancer research activities, constituting the basis for a fully-fledged infrastructure for sharing, reusing, and exploiting cancer imaging data, especially using AI techniques.

A platform paving the way for the future of cancer diagnosis and treatment

Cancer Image Europe brings benefits to researchers, clinicians, and AI innovators across Europe as it addresses the fragmentation of existing cancer image repositories. The platform gathers a public catalogue of cancer imaging datasets from the repositories of the EU-funded AI for Health Imaging projects. A distributed Atlas of Cancer Imaging with over 60 million anonymised cancer image data from over 100,000 patients will be established as part of future updates.

The first version of Cancer Image Europe also includes a public catalogue of cancer imaging datasets, a federated searching tool to understand the information available in the federated providers, and full integration with Life Science Login. Moreover, it reuses and adds value to key components of EU-funded research projects and infrastructure in the field of cancer.

The Public Catalogue

When we talk about data re-use, data discovery is key. The EUCAIM public catalogue is the result of a systematic and collaborative process to which the EGA-CRG has actively contributed. This browsing interface gathers the metadata of the available cancer imaging datasets. This descriptive information will help researchers in their data retrieval.

Our contribution to the Public Catalogue comes from our experience gained in the deployment of our federated network, the Federated EGA (FEGA), and as partners in projects such as EuCanImage (AI4HI initiative), in which we worked on the definition of common data models, ontologies and data standards.

The EUCAIM Project

EUCAIM is a cornerstone of the European Commission-initiated European Cancer Imaging Initiative, a flagship of the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, which aims to foster innovation and deployment of digital technologies in cancer treatment and care, to achieve more precise and faster clinical decision-making, diagnostics, treatments, and predictive medicine for cancer patients.

For more information about the first release of the Cancer Image Europe platform and the EUCAIM project, please visit