EUCAIM (EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages) is the cornerstone of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, one of the flagships of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP). The European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA), as member of the EUCAIM consortium, attended the kick-off meeting organized this week in Brussels for the launch of the Initiative.

The EGA will contribute to the project with the experience gained in the deployment of our federated network, the Federated EGA (FEGA), and the experience gained as partners of EuCanImage (AI4HI initiative) contributing to the definition of common data models, ontologies and data standards.

The ultimate goal of the project is to unlock the power of imaging and Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of cancer patients, clinicians and researchers. The consortium will deploy a pan-European digital federated infrastructure hosting cancer-related images, and associated pathology, molecular and laboratory data from Real-World. This endeavour will provide a comprehensive dashboard for imaging data discovery, federated search, metadata harvesting, annotation and distributed data processing.

EUCAIM joins 76 partners, gathering the experience and previous effort made by the different repositories of the AI4HI initiative, European Research Infrastructures and national/regional repositories.