The GCAT project is a prospective cohort study that was designed to recruit the general population of Catalonia, the north-east region of Spain. This study is a long-term genomic, environmental and lifestyle cohort project that aims to evaluate and track multiple pathologies as well as biologically related traits.

By the end of 2017, the GCAT Study had recruited a total of 20 000 participants aged 40–65 years. Participants who agreed to take part in the study completed a self-administered computer-driven questionnaire, and underwent blood pressure, cardiac frequency and anthropometry measurements. For each participant, blood plasma, blood serum and white blood cells are collected at baseline. The GCAT Study has access to the electronic health records of the Catalan Public Healthcare System. Participants are followed biannually for/during, at least, 20 years after recruitment.

Therefore, the GCAT Study offers a unique opportunity to integrate diverse data to allow the identification of novel relations among different biomarkers and conditions. Results may lead to the development of new genetic, genomic, epigenomic and proteomic diagnoses and screening tests, as well as new public health recommendations.

The only currently available population-based prospective cohort study in Spain to the date, including more than 4899 genotyped participants and 800 whole genome sequences is now stored in the EGA archive under accession id EGAS00001003018.